
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Atta kid!

Look what I found this morning! Our little critter is standing up in bed now!

Lucas has been developing rapidly over the course of the past few weeks, that I can't believe our little guy was barely crawling just a month ago.  I have a couple more action pics below.
Above: "Mom! Give me that camera!"
Above: Lucas will grab ahold of fabric, a shirt, your pantleg and try to pull up.  He whines in the process.
Above: He also finds it fascinating to be outside of his toys... not buckled in or placed within the confines... but outside to explore and climb over.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Beth! I can't believe how big Lucas is getting! I'm sure you've heard this a million times from other moms, but life gets crazier from here on out. Everything is fair game for a baby on the move--especially one pulling up. (Why do you think I've been gone from the computer so long...) We'll be praying for ya! :)
