
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Moving Into August

It's been three weeks since our return from our "Epic Road Trip" (as James put it) and to be honest, it feels like we've been home much longer. I've been away from blogging, because I had to process... mull everything over. For the duration of our trip I felt I was fairly effective at living in the moment and keeping a great record of events, but during and after Cincinnati I somehow fell off... and lost momentum. After getting home, the last week of travels and discussion of our trip home just seemed too much to recount.

It's divine being back. Nothing really beats sleeping in your own bed (although, Chicago Hilton's bed was dreamy) and using your own shower. There is a comfort and a security in being back in familiar territory. Being near our friends has been the most refreshing part for me. Lucas has kids to play with and I have a few girlfriends to talk to again... it's quite nice.

So here we are... moving into August (can you believe it!?) and I have nearly a month's worth of stuff to share from July. Please forgive the lack of attention I've given this blog... and please stick with me as I recount July's events.

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