
Friday, November 09, 2012


It's the first snow of Winter 2012 - 2013 and it's WAY more than I was anticipating. That being said, it's divine! Here are some pics of the little guy this morning.
 This year is so different than the last. Lucas has blossomed into a boy... a child! My heart breaks knowing he's not a baby any longer. At the same time, I love this boyish, rough, laughing child!

The wonder of snow hit him hard. The minute he saw the snow out the window this morning he wanted to go out. I remember that from my own childhood. I would wrestle my parents out of bed and I would bug my sister incessantly until she'd agree to go out with me. Lucas was the same way!

It warms my heart to know my child has some of my greatest annoying features. Family members, you can thank me later.

Once we were out in it, he wanted to taste it, touch it... roll in it. Last year he wouldn't walk in it; he'd whine if flakes landed on his face... he was SUCH a whiner. I'm pleased we've grown out of that and now we can chase each other, throw snowballs and make snow angels.

 The child HAD to go to the playground. He just HAD to... and he HAD to go down all the slides.

What a fun day! After coming in from the cold, I made pancakes and hot cider. Aren't snow days perfect for cozy comfort food? I think so. It's been such a fun day I anticipate many more throughout this winter.

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