I consider myself a thankful person... but am I? I mean, I complain to the hubs a lot and I often call my sister to whine about life. Officially, this makes me a very unthankful person... for sure.
So... for the next thirty days I am going to focus on the thankfulness of my heart. I am going to urge my heart to be thankful in all things.
My friend Katie, who has a friend named Prudy has enacted "Thirty Days Of Thanks" on her own blog... and I thought it was such a simple, obvious and beautiful thing... I had to take part in it myself.
My hope is to change my heart... and help change yours. Please share this with me and on my "30 Days of Thanks" posts, I would encourage you to share what you're thankful for in my comments.
Please. Do it.
Now therefore, our God, we thank thee and praise thy glorious name!
-1 Chronicles 29:13
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