
Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Stern Talking To

It happened today, you guys. Lucas' teacher told me he was "ornery" in class... and he had "quite the attitude."  She said that "even after a stern talk, he chose to not change his ways."

You know, I'm not surprised.

The past few months have proven to be challenging and though I'd say year four has been a VAST
improvement from year three, it's evident we have a child who naturally independent and strong-minded. Beyond the age-related behaviors, Lucas' personality has features that are both admirable, and challenging.

I have no doubt he'll grow to be an amazing man, and by no means do we expect perfection.

In the meantime, we've got to figure out more ways to teach compliance (because good-Lord child!!), respect for authority and obedience... without squelching that strong personality that will be such an asset someday.

Tomorrow is a new day. Lucas will begin his day at school by apologizing to Mrs. Candace and telling her that he will do a better job being respectful. At home we'll continue trying to be consistent... it seems we can't let up even for a minute. We'll shower our kiddo with love, firm discipline and a deep understanding of what it means to love others.

Love that little brat.

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